What is language immersion?
Language immersion is a method of teaching a target language through communicating only in the target language. This means that a student studying Spanish will only be taught in Spanish without the use of English as an aide. Language immersion is the most effective means of learning a foreign language.
Do children in immersion have to be above-average academically in order to succeed?
No, children with all types of academic ability can succeed in an immersion program, not just above-average students. Studies show that students with lower academic abilities do as well in immersion as they do in English programs. Every student has the same opportunity and the potential to become bilingual.
Will my child's English be delayed?
In the long run, no. In the beginning the child will be behind in reading and writing English because they spend the majority of their day in the target language; however, by the second grade most immersion students surpass their peers. To help decrease this delay you can read and write with your child at home.
How will my child understand what to do in the classroom?
Although your child may be frustrated at first, they will quickly adapt to the new language. The teacher will use exaggerated hand motions and facial expressions to help the children understand what is being said. For the most part, your child's classmates will be in the same situation and will need just as much help understanding. Within the first week of school your child will begin to understand common phrases that the teacher says.
How can I help my child if I do not speak the target language?
Many parents enroll in a language class, unfortunately this is not effective because your child is likely to surpass your ability within the first few months of school. The most beneficial thing you can do is to work with your child in English on reading and writing skills. Families should also be supportive of the program by encouraging study habits and providing materials in the target language to read at home.
How long until my child becomes proficient in the target language?
Although it depends, for the majority of students it will take between 2 and 3 years. At this point the children have the same language knowledge of native speakers in the target language at the same age.
How do I help my child with his/her homework?
It is very common that the parents of a child do not speak the target language. This can pose a problem when a child is struggling with homework in the target language, and the parent is unsure of how to help. When a parent is unable to help with the homework directly, they can help indirectly by providing a quiet working environment and showing their support.