Myth: Kids in immersion programs don't learn English as well as kids in standard programs.
Fact: Immersion students may experience a slight lag in English skills up until the third grade, after this they will catch up to and even outshine their peers in the traditional programs.
Myth: An immersion program would be too hard for an already struggling student to handle.
Fact: Immersion students, regardless of academic ability, reach the same level of academic achievement as their peers in standard programs. A child in an immersion classroom has no choice but to learn the language. A child who learns math in French, who is fluent in the language, would have the same success rate, if not better, on a test as a student who learned math in English.
Myth: Kids can learn a second language just as well by taking an elective in middle or high school.
Fact: Immersion, especially at a young age, is a completely different way of teaching language. Traditional high school programs will not be an immersion classroom and will proceed much slower through the lessons. A student in the third grade at an immersion school will already know more than a high school student in his/her second year of French.
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